FORNAX’s solution, the Hír-Közmű System

The Hír-Közmű System developed by Fornax ICT and the Unified Infocommunications Object Model on which it is based holds the promise of a complete change of approach and modernisation of the entire Hungarian infocommunications market.

Hello 2023!

Fornax has entered its 34th year. We look forward to 2023 as another period filled with professional successes and memorable community experiences.

Midsummer’s Bright Team

Making most of the improving situation of the pandemic and our ever-increasing vaccinated headcount, we had our first team building lunch in June, during which our colleagues working at the former seat of the company group, in Táltos street, could finally meet up in person.

The Eventus solution of Fornax provides the new Information Request Ticket Handler application at the National Media and Infocommunications Authority

In February 2020, the Customer Relationship and Information Department of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) replaced its legacy Information Request Ticket Handler (TÜA) with an efficient, Eventus-based platform. Thanks to the new solution, users can perform their tasks quicker and easier from now on.

IT Stress Test: COVID 19

The Corona virus turned the world upside down. Are there methods, IT solutions or even changes in habits and social norms that are here to stay, or will these few months be a thing of the past soon? An interview with Zoltán Nagy, the professional leader of Fornax ICT.

Fornax’s Support for the Orthopaedic Clinic

Fornax ICT recently bought new office chairs that allow for a healthier posture resulting in a better state of mind. The old chairs were still in excellent condition and were donated to the Orthopaedic Clinic of Semmelweis University.

The BigData Module of Eventus is Ready to Launch

Successful completion, useful results. The experimental BigData Module project within the Eventus workflow and work force management framework led to a solution that efficiently supports Fornax’s partners in the improvement of their financial indicators.

Development methodology

From the beginning of 2017 Fornax introduced Scrum development technology into its workflows of software development when delivering Eventus-based solutions. This does not only help us to respond to customer demands more efficiently and more flexibly, it also enables the rethinking of possible changes during development.

Fornax and Redinner at the 10th Day of Sustainability

Thanks to Telekom the Day of Sustainability was organized for the tenth time this year. This festival-conference with professional discussions, an exhibition and the afterparty mainly targets young people, and everything revolves around sustainability and related solutions.

We support the Technology for Society Foundation

Fornax is committed to supporting the future generation of IT professionals, we believe that the Hungarian IT industry can be developed by backing talented youth. This time we support the Technology for Society Foundation, an organisation that harmonizes and represents the needs and demands of stakeholders within the industry, among civilians, in education and the government in order to help achieve development goals in the area of IT and communication technology.

Cross Network Intelligence – Fornax cooperation

Mindig nyitottak vagyunk új megkeresésekre, együttműködési lehetőségekre. Most különösen büszkék vagyunk arra, hogy bejelenthetjük a CNI és a Fornax együttműködését, mely folyamatos tárgyalások és megbeszélések eredményeként jött létre, egy régi ismeretségre épülve. Célunk, hogy partnerként egymást erősítve, gyümölcsöző értékesítési együttműködést alakítsunk ki.

Fornax runners enter the 24th K&H Move! marathon – and half-marathon relay races

A Fornaxnál szeretünk sportolni, főleg futni, így ha alkalom adódik rá, futócsapatunk szívesen vesz részt nagyobb megmérettetéseken. A K&H Mozdulj! maraton –és félmaraton közkedvelt futóverseny, a cégek, családok, baráti társaságok körében. Az idei évben már nemcsak 6 fős, hanem 2, 3, 4 és 5 fős váltóban is teljesíthető volt a verseny.

Saint Nick’s Party at Fornax

Volt olyan gyerek, aki verssel készült, volt aki rajzolt, és volt olyan kislány is, aki annyira izgult, hogy délután nem is tudott aludni, hiszen este várta őt Fornax fehérszakállúja az idei Mikulásbulin.

Central-Eastern-European SAP Quality Awards Competition – The project of MHTC and Fornax SI is a Gold Winner

Fornax SI performed several SAP installations in the past years. Several of these proved so successful that the clients received prestigious international acknowledgments from the industry. The latest of these is a gold prize of SAP Quality Awards in Central and Eastern Europe in the category of Fast Implementation, which was given to the implantation of a unified integrated IT system at the Midwest Hungarian Traffic Center (MHTC).

Eventus Module on this year’s TM Forum list

The E.Fault@CC module of Fornax made it to the Outstanding Contribution to Enabling Improved Customer Centricity Award list of TM Forum this year, an award that is meant to acknowledge the customer centric attitude of the solutions exhibited.

Kicking off 2016

The Fornax company group celebrated its successes of the previous year with an evening together kicking off the year 2016.

New Fornax Development Centre launched in Veszprém

A Fornax új veszprémi irodájában dolgozó munkatársak az Eventus munkafolyamat és munkaerő-kezelő szoftver termékfejlesztésén dolgoznak, a fejlesztői központ emellett lehetőséget teremt egy eredményes szakmai együttműködésre a Pannon Egyetemmel és a Széchenyi Egyetemmel is.

Eventus Patient Transport Control module at National Ambulance Service

The National Ambulance Service introduced a new, state of the art solution in order to enable more efficient flow of information and quicker work flows in the areas of ambulance dispatch and patient transport. The Patient Transport Control System based on the Eventus platform of Fornax was implemented within the framework of the installation of the Ambulance Dispatch System.