Fornax runners enter the 24th K&H Move! marathon – and half-marathon relay races

2017. 06. 16.

A Fornaxnál szeretünk sportolni, főleg futni, így ha alkalom adódik rá, futócsapatunk szívesen vesz részt nagyobb megmérettetéseken. A K&H Mozdulj! maraton –és félmaraton közkedvelt futóverseny, a cégek, családok, baráti társaságok körében. Az idei évben már nemcsak 6 fős, hanem 2, 3, 4 és 5 fős váltóban is teljesíthető volt a verseny.

This year’s run saw 8300 runners and 1460 relay teams, among them the two Fornax teams of three each, who competed in the half-marathon distance.

Both the start and finish line were on Ötvenhatosok tere, the route went mainly through the City Park. Both teams ran 21 kilometres – 7 kilometres per person – which they finished with excellent results despite the sweltering heat. The uplifted mood, the perseverance of the supporters, the great music and the cheering drummers all contributed to the success. Several refreshment stops and misting tents were set up to alleviate the heat. And after the finish line, the sprinklers were real life savers.

One of our colleagues competed for the first time, but he enjoyed the challenge in spite of the heat, and can hardly wait until the next opportunity.

The enthusiasm of our running team will hopefully attract more of our staff, increasing our band of runners. They plan to enter further races this year, and Fornax offers all the support and encouragement it can give. Good job! Congratulations!