ZOUNUK 30. – supporting the jubilee edition of the Szolnok Archive Yearbook
The current yearbook of the Archives in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County was published recently – Fornax was among the supporters of the issue.
ZOUNUK, the yearbook of the Archives in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County looks back on a past of three decades, and is therefore the oldest scientific journal of that county, representing high quality and professionalism locally and nationwide as well. In Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county there is no higher education in humanities, and being one of the poorest counties of Hungary, there is no possibility to maintain research institutes either, therefore the archives play a key role throughout the county for historians and researchers of local history, providing a place to gather and an option to publish.
In this year’s issue the archivists of the institute as well as acclaimed historians, museologists and local-historians give account of their latest results about the county in forms of essays and bibliographies – mostly based on sources from the archives. Among the contributors of the 370 page volume we find acclaimed researchers such as Róbert Hermann military historian, doctor of the academy, Edit Bathó, the director of the Jász Museum, László Selmeczi archaeologist, Csaba Hidán, assistant professor and Árpád Varga district attorney. Moreover, young, talented researchers were given the opportunity to publish. In the volume of ZOUNUK 30 there are 11 proof-read publications, 8 essays and 3 bibliographies with introductions. These texts deal with various topics of the past 300 years, from military history through economy history till the criminal cases during and after the 1956 revolution.
The volume not only provides new research results to scholars, it also presents a lot of new information about the history of the county to a broader audience.
This year the publication of the prestigious tome was supported by Fornax as well.