Telekom Vivicittá City Supporter Run: Fornax among the contestants!
A Fornax munkatársai ismét közösen indultak a tavasz legnagyobb magyarországi szabadidősport-eseményén a 30. Telekom Vivicittá városvédő futáson.
More than 26 000 entered the Telekom Vivicittá City Supporter Run that for the first time this year lasted two days, making it the leisure sport activity with the greatest number of participants ever in Hungary. As tradition has it, in addition to the half marathon and the 10 km run (Vivicittá), contestants could enter the 800 meter family run, the 3.2 km (Minicittá) and 7 km (Midicittá) runs, and the 3,2 km walk. Due to the great success of the event the 8500 places reserved for the half marathon filled up with unprecedented speed, so the members of the Fornax team chose the 10 km distance, which they completed successfully.