Fast & Furious 3 at this year’s Spar Marathon

2016. 10. 10.

Az idei harmadik futását is kipipálta a Fornax, hiszen most is indult a 31. Spar Budapest Maratonon október elején.

The contestants of the 31st Spar Marathon started from the Olof Palme Walk and finished on the Square of the 56ers having completed the 42.195 km marathon or the relay race distances.


The Fast & Furious team of Fornax has been competing together for a long time, and the quartet’s cooperation is excellent both in the office and on the tracks. It was the third time Zsolt Dávid, Attila Láng, Balázs Biczó and Éva Galisz entered this race, this time running distances of 12, 9.1, 7.7 and 13.1 kilometres. Fortunately the participants could not complain about the weather, the occasional sunny spells transformed the tough race to a pleasant day out on a Sunday. Fun came hand in hand with success and training had not been in vain, as Fast & Furious 3. reached the finish line with excellent results.